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What don't we do? NYS FCCLA November Officer Blog!

Hey there FCCLA! This is your 1st Vice President, Emma Varghese, coming to you with November’s Officer Blog! There were a lot of events that happened during the month of October that I am so excited to talk to you about! As more FCCLA meetings are starting to happen, know that your officers are here for you! We are reaching out to every chapter to see both how we can help you as a chapter, and to connect our state! Speaking of connections, October was full of connections!

On October 10-12, I had the opportunity to attend Capitol Leadership on behalf of New York State. This national conference focused on advocating for FCCLA in a federal level, while also making connections with other state officers from different states! I was able to apply my knowledge by meeting with Senator Schumer’s office, advocating for FCCLA, Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Perkins Funding, funding provided for CTE schools! Advocacy is really something special, and it’s open to everyone! It wasn’t just me in the senators’ office, it was all of New York. While I may have just been a spokesperson, all of New York, from the State Executive Council to a chapter member, was represented, so that we as a whole are represented in the legislature of our nation. In addition to advocacy I was able to

connect with so many members, which was truly IncREDible!

Our second event in October was Fall Planning. This was an incREDible time for your Officers, Officer Elects, and Junior Leaders who were all getting prepared for the State Conference in March! We were all able to plan, and hang out together! We are very excited for our incREDible State Conference as we all leave our legacy!

As a council we hope that you continue to work hard in your FCCLA chapters just as you always have! Whether working on the State Project or working on a National Program, keep going at it, we are extremely excited and proud of all that each of you will be able to accomplish this year!

Ways to contact me:

Instagram: @emma.v.fccla

Keep Leaving Your Legacy NYS FCCLA!

National FCCLA Capitol Leadership. Can you find our very own First VP, Emma Varghese?

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